lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016

Postgraduate Studies

Hello! Today start a new week and with the energy maximum!. I will speak about the postgraduate studies!!
I would like to do postgraduate studies because thus I will have more knowledge, I could specialize in areas that are interest to me and I could to be an excellence´s professional. But first I  I would like to rest for a time of studies.
  I would like to do postgraduate in areas referred to conservation and native forest restoration, ideally study magister in Wild areas and Nature Conservation at Univeridad de Chile. The nature in Chile are very special, unique and fragile, therefore I think it is very important and necessary care and dedication to the Chilean ecosystems.
 I would like to study in any country like Autralia, Canadá or New Zelan and live for a couple of years in this countrie, work and add experience and money to come back to Chile and help in investigations and studies to help to care chilean invironment, besides I want to help in my hometown because the environment situation in it is not the best, due contaminant companies, deforestation and little awareness on the part of the people, I feel the responsibility to help and hope in the future to be able to do so.
I would like to study a part- time course because I think that live classes are very important for good learning. Also I would like can to  work and study at the same time.

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