lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016

Postgraduate Studies

Hello! Today start a new week and with the energy maximum!. I will speak about the postgraduate studies!!
I would like to do postgraduate studies because thus I will have more knowledge, I could specialize in areas that are interest to me and I could to be an excellence´s professional. But first I  I would like to rest for a time of studies.
  I would like to do postgraduate in areas referred to conservation and native forest restoration, ideally study magister in Wild areas and Nature Conservation at Univeridad de Chile. The nature in Chile are very special, unique and fragile, therefore I think it is very important and necessary care and dedication to the Chilean ecosystems.
 I would like to study in any country like Autralia, Canadá or New Zelan and live for a couple of years in this countrie, work and add experience and money to come back to Chile and help in investigations and studies to help to care chilean invironment, besides I want to help in my hometown because the environment situation in it is not the best, due contaminant companies, deforestation and little awareness on the part of the people, I feel the responsibility to help and hope in the future to be able to do so.
I would like to study a part- time course because I think that live classes are very important for good learning. Also I would like can to  work and study at the same time.

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2016

My Future Job!

Hello bloggers!! I will talk about my future job. When I was in basic education, my dream was study Speech and Language Pathology, kinesiology or Obstetrics and Child Care, for a time my tendency was the medicine careers. When I was in fourth year of secondary school I started to doubt about my future, because in my options were for work in a hospital or a school and the idea was not to my liking, and I started to find out about careers bound to nature and free air because I was feeling that to work between four walls was not mine. At the end of this year I do the PSU, and finally I decided postulate to Forestry. 

 For the moment the career I really liked and I hope work outside to Santiago, in a quiet place, I would like work in conservation and restoration to native forest. Also I have many ideas to help the nature around my hometown because I feel to help a lot to the people and the nature with my knowledge. With my work I hope to know many beautiful places in Chile and abroad because I love traveling. But above everything I hope to enjoy my work a lot. In the future I would like to learn many things about the nature and its secrets.

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016

National Parks.

The national parks are very amazing and beautiful, but them are important because this places the nature and biodiversity is protect. I love visit this places because I can enjoy the beautiful landscapes, flora, fauna, the fresh air, the quiet and the harmony. 
I had visited some parks; “Parque Nacional Puyehue”, "Parque Nacional La Campana", “Parque Nacional Hornopiren” and “Parque Nacional  Alerce Andino”. The Last it`s amazing! It is located in province of Llanquihue, in the south of Chile, I knew this park in the university`s practice, the last summer. The trail inside the park was difficult but be worth walk it. The experience was fantastic, in this place I knew the Alerce trees more bigs and long-lived to see. In the final to trail was a lake very beautiful named “Laguna Fria”, and really this was very cold.  Also I know south of Chile`s plants, such Medallita, Botellita, Mañio Hembra, Tineo, Coihue, Tepa, Tiaca and others.
Resultado de imagen para parqu nacional nahuelbutaIn the summer I will know “Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta” with my boyfriend, I would like know the Araucaria Araucana, this tree is native to Chile and Argentina and it is a natural monument. The people have eaten the seeds for a thousand years. I am very excited to know that beautiful place!